How It Works + Signing Schedule

It's easy to place your order with MountainMage MTG Signature Service!

  • Select which artist(s) you would like to personalize your card(s). You can send cards for any artists you'd like, but there is a schedule for signings HERE. If you send cards for an artist not yet scheduled, there may be a long wait for the next signing (artists typically sign 1-2 times per year). You can also find tips and tricks to make the process smoother.
  • Choose whether you would like a single signature or shadow signature, then choose your colors. You can choose to have the same artist sign multiple cards in different color combinations - you just have to add each color combination to your cart separately.
  • Once you check out, collect all of your cards and fill out the ARTIST FORM. Cut the artist form out into the individual slips, and make sure to include them when you mail your cards to MountainMage. Handwritten slips are ok as long as your handwriting is legible!
  • Around two weeks after a deadline has passed, MountainMage will send your cards to the various artists to be signed. Once the artists sign the cards and return them, MountainMage will announce their return BY UPDATING THE SCHEDULE LINKED ABOVE and you may purchase a return shipment. Specifically, artists will be moved from "Signing In-Progress" to "Next Date to be Announced".
    • When cards have returned from one or more artists, request a return shipment HERE. Shipping is on-demand so you can get a shipment every time an artist comes back, or wait until more have returned to combine them for shipping!
  • Please review the official loss policy here before sending your cards.